A resource that will change your life, marriage and family… forever!

How to Make It Matters Help Your Marriage and Family


Watch the wecasts.

Use the worksheets & activities

Take action & celebrate your success


Weekly Webinars

Weekly live webinars teach specific topics with action plans to strengthen connections, relationships and skills followed by Q&A.


Relationship Strengthening Questions and Activities

Designed to help you talk, reflect, and connect on a deeper level. Each set of questions and exercises deepen your understanding of gospel principles and how to apply them

Action Plans and External Resources

Creative ideas and activities that keep you moving forward. Each action plan is customized by you to your circumstances and goals. Links to additional resources on specific topics that are relevant to the specific principles you are working on.


Private Community

As a member, you have exclusive access to a private Facebook group, where you can connect with others who have been where you are and are wiling to share with you how to get unstuck and move forward.

Multimedia Library

Our archives contain all the recorded weekly webinars, webcasts, bonus videos, and resources that are available to our members 24 hours a day, 7-days a week, 365 days of the year. Searchable by topic, presenter, and title.
