CORE TOPICSHappily Together ForeverHAPPILY TOGETHER FOREVER COVERS THE CORE TOPICS TO GIVE YOU A HEALTHY START AND BUILD A  STRONG FOUNDATION FOR YOUR FOREVER MARRIAGE!Love & MarriagePart 1 – MarriageLearn the secrets (principles) of highly successful, intimate, fun and lasting marriages.


  • How creating purpose and meaning to your marriage builds strength and unity
  • How keeping your marriage as your highest priority increases connection, unity, and intimacy
  • How the 5 keys to marital joy and success increase love, understanding and marital bliss

Part 2 – DifferencesLearn the secrets (principles) of highly successful, intimate, fun and lasting marriages.


  • How creating purpose and meaning to your marriage builds strength and unity
  • How keeping your marriage as your highest priority increases connection, unity, and intimacy
  • How the 5 keys to marital joy and success increase love, understanding and marital bliss

Part 3 – Loving Your SpouseLearn to love your spouse more than any other person!


  • How the 4 key principles of loving your spouse create closeness, connection, and intimacy
  • How knowing and loving your spouse more deeply than you do today will make your marriage happily last forever
  • How building love and stronger connections will keep your spouse the love of your mortal and eternal life

Part 4 – Caring for Your SpouseLearn how truly caring for your spouse will increase love, intimacy and joy.


  • How the 11 key principles of caring make you and your spouse better spouses, lovers and people
  • How the three basic needs every child of our Heavenly Father has can be fulfilled within your marital relationship
  • How identifying your spouse’s unique needs builds love, joy, trust, and unity
  • How knowing your spouse better and more deeply than you do today will increase your appreciation, love, and intimacy
  • How really caring for your spouse enables you to be one of the happiest and most stable marriages

Effective CommunicationPart 1 – Getting Your Heart RightThe best way to keep your relationship close, strong and intimate is to communicate effectively.  Effective communication in a marriage requires both spouses to have their ‘hearts right’.  Effective Communication is two-way – both spouses need to be engaged and participating.


  • How getting and keeping your ‘heart right’ increases love, affection, and intimacy
  • How avoiding seeing your spouse as an object, obstacle or vehicle of irrelevancy improves connection and reduces contention
  • How creating effective two-way communication increases connection, love and compassion

Part 2 –  Speakers & Listeners

Effective communication happens when the speaker and listener fulfill their roles.  Learn how to be an effective speaker and listener.

You will discover:

  • How speaking clearly & concisely about your intent and what you want, gets you what you want!
  • How speaking from your point of view defuses possible contention and conflict
  • How creating a safe environment for the speaker allows emotions to be experienced honestly and fully
  • How seeking to understand what the speaker is saying and feeling increases intimacy and connection
  • How sincere interest in what  your spouse is saying will strengthen your relationship and marriage

Part 3 – ‘You’ & ‘Stuff'

Two vital conversations successful married couples have every day, every week, every month and every year are ‘You’ and ‘Stuff’ conversations. These two conversations help to bond couples together in their hearts and minds.  Effective communication requires that you speak the same language.  Are you?  

You will discover:

  • How effective ‘You’ conversations will build greater intimacy and connection;
  • How effective ‘Stuff’ conversations eliminate unnecessary conflict;
  • How ‘Stuff’ and ‘You’ conversations build stronger relationships and marriages;
  • How holding ‘You’ & ‘Stuff’ conversations daily increases love, trust, and intimacy;
  • How speaking love to your spouse in a language she/he understands increases appreciation, love, and affection.

Intimacy & SexPart 1- Intimacy

Intimacy is more than sex!  Much more!  Learn the principles for increasing the 5 components of intimacy that bond a husband and wife strongly together.  Applying these principles increases your closeness and friendship, and builds a rock solid foundation for years and eternities of love, joy, and eternally intimate companionship – a Happily Together Forever marriage!


  • How knowing the difference between intimacy and sex will strengthen your relationship;
  • How building a relationship with emotional and spiritual intimacy will enhance your sexual intimacy;
  • How physical intimacy is more than ‘sex’ and why it makes ‘sex’ more enjoyable;
  • Why procreation is only one part of the divinely approved purposes for ‘sex’
  • How strong sexual desires create lasting and fulfilling relationships?

Part 2- Honeymoon Prep

You’ve dreamed about how incredible your wedding night will be.  Learn how to make your it the night you have always anticipated and dreamed it would be.   What you learn will make the difference between a wonderfully intimate honeymoon and a disappointing, frustrating one.


  • Why a premarital exam will make your wedding night more pleasurable;
  • Why discussing birth control as a couple will increase unity and love;
  • How preparing yourself for honeymoon intimidating things will increase comfort, pleasure, and fun;
  • How getting what you want in the way you like it increases intimacy, love, and pleasure;
  • How setting sexual boundaries creates greater love, excitement, and confidence;
  • How setting proper expectations will enhance your sexual experience and pleasure.

Part 3- Your Sexual Body, It’s Physiology & Sexual ResponseYou have an amazing body that has an incredible capacity for sensual feelings and pleasure.  It’s a gift from a loving Heavenly Father to keep husbands and wives bonded with love and joy.


  • How learning the wonders of your sexual body increases your pleasure, intimacy, and excitement;
  • How knowing the main sex organs of both women and men increases your awareness and ability to give and receive pleasure;
  • How understanding women’s and men’s bodies response to arousing stimulus and touch will enhance your sexual experience and excitement;
  • How recognizing men’s and women’s sexual responses are similar and how they  differ enables you to increase desire, arousal, and climax;
  • How discovering the physiology increases your pleasure, intimacy, and fun!

Part 4 – Your HoneymoonYour honeymoon is a magical moment that is unlike any other.  It’s … exciting, … arousing, …intimidating,  …frightening.  A mixture of all these emotions all at the same time.  Remove the mystery, fear and disappointment, and increase the excitement, arousal and sexual pleasure by knowing what to do and what to expect!

Learn where, how and when to touch your spouse to increase desire and arousal.


  • How discovering and knowing the most sensual areas of your spouse’s body build desire, arousal and enjoyment;
  • How building sexual arousal in your spouse increases your pleasure, intimacy and pleasure;
  • How being aware of when your spouse is fully aroused and ready to climax increases your arousal, pleasure, and fulfillment;
  • How knowing what is appropriate sexually increases trust, unity and pleasure;
  • How trying different sexual positions will increase your fun, intimacy, and pleasure

Money MattersPart 1- Beliefs & RolesMoney – the root of all evil?  You and your spouse may have different beliefs about money.  To be one in all things, determining what values and beliefs you will have for your family will save a lot of arguments and frustrations.  Who will manage your money?  How will decisions be made?

Learn how to become unified in your money beliefs and values.


  • How knowing your money beliefs increases your prosperity.
  • How successfully managing your money increases love, unity and marital success;
  • How the 7 Principles of Wise Financial Stewardship create peace and prosperity

Part 2- Plan & ProsperManaging your resources wisely creates wealth, protection, peace of mind and prosperity.

Learn how you and your spouse together can plan your financially secure present and future.


  • How creating, using and updating your budget and financial plan regularly increases your wealth, prosperity and unity;
  • How simple principles will financially protect your family from financial ruin;
  • How avoiding and eliminating debt brings peace, unity, and opportunity
  • How saving and investing prepare and protect you today and tomorrow;
  • How to blessing others with your resources brings the incredible joy and fulfillment.