Many of us know of the redemptive powers of the atonement of Jesus Christ. We also know of its ability to remit our sins. But do we comprehend all the enabling powers it allows us to enjoy in this life and beyond. I didn’t! But I do now. Or at least I know much more about what the atonement allows us to do and receive…if we will allow it by receiving them into our lives.
Enabling Powers & Gifts of the Atonement
Here is a list of powers/benefits/gifts we can receive through the atonement without further explanation (not all inclusive or in any particular order):
- He took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses
- We live forever
- Sanctifies
- Allows us to be one with Christ and the Father
- Allows us to enter & be in the presence of the Father
- Allows us to know the Father
- Allows us to have all the Father has
- Allows us to receive forgiveness
- Allows us to be justified
- Allows eternal life
- Makes intercession for us with God
- Allows eternal salvation (different than eternal life)
- Allows us to sit in heavenly places
- Activates mercy
- Purifies
- Can make us perfect (awesome, huh?)
- Brings peace & comfort to those who are victims
- Makes incorruptible that which was corrupted
- Raises us from everlasting death
- Allows us to be reconciled unto him…be presented as the first fruits of Christ unto God
- Allows us to attain to a perfect knowledge of Christ and the Father
- Bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead
- Saves little children who die before the age of accountability
- Allows us to become perfect in Christ, sanctified in Christ, receive a remission of sins and become holy without spot
- Allows us to be agents unto ourselves
“…and mercy cometh because of the atonement; and the atonement bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead; and the resurrection of the dead bringeth back men into the presence of God; and thus they are restored into his presence…” (Alma 42:23, The Book of Mormon)
What incredible blessings/gifts are given by a loving Father and his beloved Son Jesus Christ. I hope you will ponder these gifts so freely given and choose to make the atonement efficacious in your life.
Excellent sources to better understand the atonements:
The Atonement – Elder Russell M Nelson
The Atonement of Jesus Christ – Tad R Callister
The Atonement of Jesus Christ – Elder Jeffrey R. Holland