What sacrifice are you willing to make to attend the temple more frequently? Are you willing to give up one of your regular recreational activities for a day? For a week? How about a month? Is that a sacrifice you are willing to make?
President Russell M Nelson said “establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. This may require a little more sacrifice in your life.”
What ‘little more sacrifice are you willing to make?” If you’re saying “I don’t have time to attend more regularly!”
That’s where the Temple and Family History challenge comes in. I challenge you to replace one of your regular recreational activities – reading a book, running, golf, yoga, cycling, tennis, hiking, going to movies, watching television, playing video games, viewing social media…, whatever you do at least once a week for a couple of hours – replace it with going to the temple or doing family history work for 4 weeks. Yes! For 4 weeks. If you want to do it longer, that’s awesome! You’ll be blessed. Doing it for 4 weeks will change you.
How do I know? Because I did it and it changed me. I replaced cycling, which I absolutely love to do, with attending the temple. It has changed my thoughts, my focus, and my relationship with my Savior. I love him more and feel closer to him than I did before I started.
Here’s a promise, not from me but President Nelson, “more regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in His temple. For those of you who don’t live near a temple, I invite you to study prayerfully about temples in the scriptures and in the words of living prophets. Seek to know more, to understand more, to feel more about temples than you ever have before.”
Here’s a second promise, this time from me. When you accept and complete the challenge you will receive more personal revelation and guidance from your Heavenly Father in every aspect of your life. You will develop a greater inner strength. Some of the ‘worldly’ things that seem so important to you today, will become less important to you.
So…what do you think? Are you game? Will you accept the Temple and Family History Challenge?
Share this with your family and friends and bless their lives also!